I was at Walmart today getting some groceries when I passed by a young women that made me think. Not intentionally, mind, but she did make me go 'huh.' She was wearing a shirt that said 'Touch whatever you want.' And 'touch' of course was in four inch high letters stretched across her chest.
The 'huh' was when I thought about what would happen if someone actually touched. I imagine her reaction would be somewhere around shocked, offended, angry, and violated. Even though her shirt is politely requesting that you grab her boobs. Whenever I go out into the general public, I almost always see a women dressed provocatively, or wearing some racy slogan across her chest. Yet I am sure that most of them would be offended if someone tried to get more than a look.
There is an interesting double standard at work here. There are a number of women who dress, and often behave, like sex objects. But they don't want to be treated like sex objects. They think they should be respected, treated courteously, irregardless of how they behave. Where do they get this idea that how they are treated is independent of their behavior?
I doubt many of them believe that appearances are unimportant. Most of them dress like that to catch men's eyes. Or at least the right man's eyes, however they define the right man. Unfortunately, presenting yourself to the world as a Babylonian prostitute catches a great many eyes. But they do seem to get away with it. Or at any rate, they aren't molested.
At the very least, men are trained to act respectful, even if they aren't thinking respectfully. And these women accept this as normal. So both men and women have been taught that women can behave however and men must be nice to them. (I generally don't see the opposite case. Men are still judged on how they dress and behave, though men usually don't display themselves as sex objects.)
This has all the hallmarks of modern feminism on it. Men must be respectful towards women, even if they don't deserve it. Strange it is, that the liberation of women from male oppression has resulted in large numbers of women aggressively choosing to be sex objects.
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago