The Statist Game  

Posted by RogueDash1 in ,

I found an interesting article over on the Anchoress' blog. It's a piece from 1941 about the character of different types of Americans and whether or not they'd join the Nazis. It's definitely worth the read. But you can apply the same principle today. But instead of asking whether a person is a Nazi, ask whether a person is a statist. Play a game the next time you're in a group and see if you can determine who believes the State should tell them what to do, who would join the State just because it's the most powerful, who would oppose the State; ask how people would react to the State controlling everything. And more importantly, ask why. What is it about the person, his character, that would make him act the way he does?

Marines Make the Best Therapists  

Posted by RogueDash1 in

Found this at the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler.

God bless Marines.

July 4th Shenanigans  

Posted by RogueDash1 in

This is why we won the Revolutionary War. Shenanigans like this. This time we had 1440 plus a couple handfuls of bottle rockets. Then we placed 600 Saturn Missile Batteries next to it, and attached 5 mortars.

We, uhh, ran out of bottle rockets. Next year, we need 12 gross.

And of course, the after effects.

This is another place I'm not allowed to come back to.

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