I read an article in the Telegraph about a college student who is selling her virginity to pay for her master's degree. Normally this would be noted as more evidence of civilization's decline and wouldn't warrant further comment, but there appears to be some incredible stupidity at work here, so comment I shall.
First off, the bids are running at $3.7 million. 3.7 million. I could live over 20 years off that much money (well, if the socialists in Washington let me keep any of it). With over 10,000 bidders. Are men really that desperate for sex? The early men probably were, but at this point, people have to be bidding solely for the prestige of having a four million dollar prostitute. What kind of man spends that kind of money on a one night stand? It is bragging rights only, which means they expect to become more popular after this escapade, rather than shamed. Seriously guys, a bar is much cheaper.
But it was the subtitle that really floored me. She is selling herself to pay for a master's in Family and Marriage Counseling. That's right, a prostitute is going to tell you how to raise your kids and save your marriage. A person who has decided that sex is not important cannot give good advice on familial relationships. Sex is part of an intimate relationship, not just a recreational activity, and if you don't accept that, you aren't going to be able to tell people why their marriage is falling apart instead of being an intimate relationship.
Of course, our prostitute in question is a liberal feminist, having a degree in Women's Studies. This does not surprise me any, based off her behavior. Actually, it does surprise me that she is still a virgin. Modern feminism accepts as one of its tenants that sleeping around is virtuous. Obviously the lesson sunk in, if she is selling her body without any qualms.
I do not expect her to have a happy marriage herself. I think she'll end up going the Sex and the City route, and have a slew of partners but no commitments. I feel sorry for the people she's going to be counseling.
Best stupid quote: "It's shocking that men will pay so much for someone's virginity, which isn't even prized so highly anymore." Here's a hint; at $4 million, it is very highly prized. (Though in this case as a trophy rather than through good Christian values). Just because feminists think virginity is bad doesn't mean everybody else does.
Random prediction: prostitution will effectively become legalized across America. I don't know if it's legal in California, but I saw no indication that she was in trouble for this. Liberals want us to tolerate a bunch of other sexual depravities; prostitution and everything else won't be far behind.
Hat Tip: Conservative Grapevine
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