Of Grave Importance
I found a link to a clip on Big Hollywood today (which I can no longer find) that was from ABC's new series V. It was a segment from an interview with one of the aliens that was a heavy handed piece on selling journalistic integrity to gain access. Yeah, that's right, ABC sent a dangerous political message by making Morena Baccarin cut her hair.
One of the tragic features of modern life is the number of women who think it's acceptable to cur their hair short.Women look better with long hair. This is a basic fact of feminine beauty. Here we get a direct comparison of the same woman with long hair and with short hair. Look at the two pictures. Baccarin can make short hair work, but she is far prettier with longer hair.
And here the difference is striking enough that I think I can see what is going on. She simply looks more boyish with short hair. Her femininity is diminished by her hair style. We men are attracted to women, not 12 year old boys in drag. Ladies, dressing and styling yourself to hide your womanliness makes you less attractive.
Some of you are pretty enough to get away with it, as is Baccarin, but here we can clearly see that long hair is much better.