Gross Military Stupidity
Much has been said about the Fort Hood massacre last week. And I have just one question: why did no one in the army return fire? It’s a fucking Army base! Am I really supposed to believe that the only armed personnel on the whole base were Maj. Hasan and police Sgt. Munley? Do they not issue real guns to the guards? Did they even have guards? Or is there some bizarre standing order to not respond to armed assaults on US soil? The Army ought to be ashamed of itself for promoting a known terrorist sympathizer to major, and then letting a civilian police officer deal with the problem when he turned traitor.
After somewhat more sober reflection, it occurs to me that the last time I got this riled up over gross military stupidity was when the Navy was in a standoff against four pirates in a life boat. That situation was caused when President Obama modified the rules of engagement to prevent the Navy from engaging the pirates. While Obama didn't order the Army to allow Hasan to go about his business until he ran out of ammo, the same mindset of appeasement and surrender is prevalent in the politically correct bureaucracy that makes up the military, and every other government organization. No one will be able to give a good reason Hasan was still in the Army, but I would like to know the Army's operating procedure for someone shooting up one of their bases.
For now, though, my prayers go out to the dead, wounded, and their families.
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on Monday, November 9, 2009
at Monday, November 09, 2009
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