Is Failure the Goal?
Yesterday's post was deliberately inflammatory. It was designed to infuriate and offend the politically correct while still being honest. But I want to revisit a certain point. When I say 'white' and 'black,' I am not referring to the color of a group's skin, but rather the culture of that group. Specifically, I am referring to Christian culture and ghetto culture (for lack of a better term). These cultures are dominated by whites and blacks respectively, but there are plenty of good, Christian black people, and plenty of ghetto white boys I'd rather avoid.
Let's define our terms here. By 'Christian culture,' I mean that culture that adheres to biblical principle, as personified by my Lord Jesus Christ, and taught by his apostles and the prophets that preceded him. It is personal responsibility, kindness, hard work, generosity, serving others, bettering yourself. And by 'ghetto culture,' I mean that culture best exemplified by rappers that glories in violence, drugs, sex, crime, single motherhood, gangs, broken families, disrespect.
It should be obvious why the Christian consistently outperforms the gangbanger. Here is the difference between blacks and whites. It's not the color of their skin, it's not the continent from which their ancestors came, it is the culture in which they live.
We have now answered the question of why people end up being segregated by 'race' every time we measure how well Americans are doing at life. The next question is why does such a self-destructive culture persist? And why are many on the Christian side of the equation abandoning it for the selfish debauchery that so marks barbarianism?
The answer, in part (or maybe in whole), is liberal policy. If you recall the quote that started this rant, academics think it is illegal for one group to outperform another group, and that the better group should be held down to the lowest common denominator. Policies that encourage bad behavior and discourage good behavior have become the norm. The effect has been to create a lower, usually criminal class, and indeed to encourage the middle class to join them. To go into why the leaders of our country do this would be a very long post. Mencius Moldbug takes a pretty good stab at it (a six part series, at the time of this writing).
But the evidence is that our government and academic institutions are actively destroying society and civilization. I have not yet found a way around this conclusion. And it frightens me.