Designed for Failure
But the nation's foremost scholars in middle-school education are worried the fast-growing trend is leaving minority children behind. They also question whether the practice is legal because, nationwide, it has tended to result in students being segregated by race.
The quote in question is on the practice of middle school students taking high school classes.
I'm going to go ahead and say it: if two distinct groups of people habitually perform differently at some measured aptitude, then perhaps they really are different. To put it more bluntly, if you are a minority (I'm sure they mean black and Hispanic) then you are less able to succeed in life than a white person.
Now if you've simmered down some from that racist statement, I'll explain what I mean by that. I really don't think genetics is the determining factor here. It appears to me that the culture associated with race has far more bearing on this difference in ability than your ancestry.
I know that there are very intelligent, driven black people out there, and also very dumb white people. I've met some of them, spent some time with them. And yet, the data show that on average, white people commit fewer crimes, less violent crimes, do better in school, do better on the job, make more money, have more stable families, and just generally do better at life. Now as is normal with any bell curve distribution, some white people will be worse than most blacks, and some blacks will be better than most whites. But there is a definite distinction between the center masses of these two curves.
The scholars of the quote at the top acknowledge this fact. But their solution is to prevent whites from succeeding, so that they are on par with their less capable counterparts. They have looked at the data and said only white people are getting ahead, there must be something wrong with white people.
To say that there is something wrong with black people is blasphemy of an unrivaled scale. (Don't get me started on the hypocrisy between these two positions.) Because to say that is to say that black people need to change their culture so that it stops handicapping them. But that is the obvious conclusion the data present. Black people do not succeed because they live in a culture that prevents success.
In fact, I've heard my successful black friends be called 'whitey' by their ghetto brothers. Like the ability to work hard and provide for a family is a white trait. Actually, there is some truth to that. White people (well, alright, Christians) believe that hard work and responsibility are the keys to success. And look, they are ahead of everyone else. So you know what, if white culture breeds success and black culture does not, then blacks could use a good white washing.
Whites are not immune to this either. Many people could use a good dose of old fashioned Christian values. That is where the real difference lies. The productive, stable, successful cultures adhere to biblical, Christian principles. The rest live in an impoverished world of violence and distrust. Unfortunately, our leaders are asking everyone to emulate the failures.
Random prediction: if Christianity is outlawed society will collapse to little better than subsistence living, much like the middle ages (and much like third world countries today).
Hat Tip: Conservative Grapevine
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