I had a random thought this evening. There is mounting evidence that global warming is done for and global cooling is on its way in (see here, and here). This despite the fact that humans are doing more and more of what the climate change people are saying causes global warming.
But it suddenly occurred to me that the liberals are going to do a complete about face. Sometime after the Obama administration implements some programs or policies that are supposed to 'fix' global warming, the climate change activists are going to admit that the earth has actually cooled. And they are going to give full credit to the iPresident. Crisis will have been averted, AGW will have been solved, and the oceans will begin to recede.
And anybody who points out that the cooling started years before Obama took office, or that the effects of said policies has proven nill, will be called evil liars by liberals in the same breath that they say that of course liberal activism stopped global warming at that time (in spite of Republicans of course), but that Obama is still the savior.
This is my prediction for Obama's presidency. A bunch of terrible policies that hurt everyone, harm the environment, and don't slow down climate change will be given credit for a global cooling that started well before any of the policies were implemented.
Posted here for the record. Hopefully so I can say I told you so.
NOTE: The term 'iPresident' is stolen without permission from House of Eratosthenes, because I thought it was funny.
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1 year ago