Happy New Year!
Last night marked my Third Annual New Year's Eve Rocket Battery. In order to top last year's array, I got my self a bigger camp grill. I started off by lacing safety fuse across the top of the grill. There is over 65 feet of fusing on that thing. Then we began sticking bottle rockets on the launch platform.
Here is the finished array. Not as many add ons as last year, but more bottle rockets, some 1300.
But of course, what you want to see is the launch. So here it is:
The laser comes courtesy of some friends up on the building next door. I was hit with a few bottle rockets, some of which decided to explode when they hit me. Still have all my fingers. Here is the after math.
Since we've upgraded from cardboard, there were no fires to put out this year. I guess if we want to go bigger, I'll have to get another grill.
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on Friday, January 1, 2010
at Friday, January 01, 2010
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