Kari Jobe Pillowcase
Kari Jobe, who is apparently a famous and talented singer, was at our church this weekend. And the whole time, I couldn't help thinking, "Why is Kari Jobe wearing a lumpy gray pillowcase?"
I occasionally see cute or pretty or otherwise attractive women wearing these things. But it seems tailor made to be ugly. It is a shapeless bag of cloth that completely obscures a woman's figure. You can't tell if she is fat, skinny, or beautifully curved. Though you almost never see it on fat women.
What's the message here? That you're so hot you can dress ugly? Except that it looks like some expensive designer job. A designer potato sack is still a potato sack, though you could get more use out of an actual potato sack. Why this faux ugly is fashionable is beyond me. Maybe in all the vitriol this post will cause someone will let slip an actual answer.