For the Greater Good!
Plodding right along on my Tau force, I have completed my first stealthsuit. This is an older XV15 model that Games Workshop has discontinued. I got it from my friend's brother-in-law, along with a bunch of other Tau models. This particular model is a Shas'vre, equipped with a bonding knife and markerlight.
Stealthsuits are equipped with stealth field generators that distort their image and make them more difficult to see (and thus shoot at). I wanted some way to mark that the models are cloaked, rather than just painting them like the rest of my infantry. One way that I had seen was to dry brush the model the same way you dry brush the base, so that it blends in with the terrain that your army is mounted on. Some of the better ones had the stealthsuits phasing in and out, with half the model painted normally, and the other half cloaked.
However, I wasn't really sold on the idea, and I didn't want something that was only half stealthed. So I decided to give my stealth units a camouflage scheme. I painted the model the army's blue, rather than the standard white of my infantry, then painted a mottled pattern over top. It came out a lot better than I thought it would.