So Gtmunch just sent me a link about an Orlando Tea Party this weekend. I think it will be an interesting adventure. This will be my first foray into political activism. I wanted to write down a few thoughts before casting my lot.
Of great concern to me is the vast difference between my view of the world, and that of the liberals. It is only in the last two years that I have begun to discover the various, fundamental beliefs that make up a person's philosophy on life, the universe, and everything. I started this blog in part to write down what my beliefs are, how they compare to other philosophies, and how they all play out in the world.
And what I have found in my learning is that these different worldviews are not compatible. They contradict. Which means at least one of them has to be wrong. It's simple logic; the law of non-contradiction.
But it is more than just right and wrong. For I do not believe that liberal philosophy merely wrong, I believe that liberal philosophy is the most destructive force in society today. It's not something over which I can compromise. But this puts me in a very awkward position. My beliefs place me in direct opposition to my government. I consider what the Democrats are doing in Washington to be evil. They are systematically destroying American civilization.
That's one hell of a statement. But I can't come to any other conclusion. I believe that the best society is that which is built upon Biblical teachings. The humanist and naturalist philosophies that underpin liberalism are in direct opposition to Christianity. And they know it. That is why Christianity has been ever more marginalized for the last century by progressive policy makers.
The government wishes to mandate how we should live our lives; tell us what proper behavior is, and beliefs are taboo. Which is also what Christianity does (and Islam, and Judaism, and Buddhism, and so on).
So I think the best I can do is live my life according to the teachings of Christ to the best of my ability.
Which brings us back to the Tea Party protests. I really can't tell how much affect they are having. I don't think the powers that be in Washington care at all. So as far as policy goes, I think it's a complete wash. However, it does let people know that they are not alone in disagreeing with their government. But I really don't expect it to go as far as the original Boston Tea Party. Even though we are far more aggrieved than the Colonists. Nobody really wants an armed insurrection against the most powerful nation in the world. It might have worked 233 years ago, but the deck is considerably more stacked in government's favor today, and few people are willing to give up their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor, since life is still pretty damned good for most of us.
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1 year ago