About a month ago I started working on a Tau army for Warhammer 40K. I had been working on a fantasy army (the Empire) for several years and felt it was time to make a sci-fi force.
As I enjoy the painting and modeling that goes with the hobby as much as actually playing the game (I spend way more time painting than playing) I chose my army based off how it looks. Basically, which army had the coolest models. Several armies have awesome models, and I eventually went with the Tau since they are the most high tech, sci-fi, space models in the game. (After the Eldar, but one of my friends already plays that army.)
I have just finished my first batch of soldiers. These are Fire Warriors, the basic infantry of the Tau. They can be accompanied by a pair of Gun Drones. This is only part of a squad.
The color scheme is based of the old Ice Planet Lego Sets. So all the infantry will be painted like these fire warriors. I'm not sure about the battle suits, though I will probably be keeping the blue weapons and definitely the orange glowy things. The vehicles, I think, will be primarily blue instead of white.
I'll post more pics as I build the army. I have a lot of models now, but I probably only spend a few hours a week on them. So don't hold your breath.
Joebama American citizens 2024 print
1 year ago